Max Exuberance!! Exhibit at Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen, August 2021

Max Exuberance!!

Whether by mark-making, three dimensional intricacy, textural whimsy, interesting shapes and sizes, or dizzying patterns and bright colors…a visual celebration– we all react to contemporary expressions of MORE. In these perilous times, finding joy and manifesting it in an unqualified explosion of exuberance in art may be a gift only you can impart to your fellow beings on this tiny planet. The theme for our show at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen is Max Exuberance!! Let it shine!

Show dates: Aug 3rd through Aug 31st.

This late-summer show will feature the work of our exhibiting members in the Slantwall Gallery, a very visible display in the theater lobby. The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen offers residents and visitors in the metropolitan Richmond region an unparalleled opportunity to experience the arts, entertain new ideas, develop a new talent, and experience first-hand, all the best this community has to offer.